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3상 위상제어 보드는 입력된 위상각 지연신호를 측정 60°위상으로 구분된 6개의 게이트 펄스를 생성하여 3상 SCR 스텍에 공급하는 위상제어기이다.

SCR 전력제어
Delay angel control resolution is 0.1 degree.
Precision measurement of the delay angle command signal
Source voltage of SCR stack can be 380, 440, and 480V.
Line frequency range is ffrom 45 to 65Hz.

SCR Gate
Analog delay angle command signal (SIG_HI)Users may choose a variety of DC control signal ranges including 0-5V, 0-10V, 4- 20mA, or custom ranges.
Soft-Start and Soft-Stop : Upon Soft-start, SCR firing is enabled and the delay angle command ramps from the maximum value to the set point value determined by the SIG_HI command signal. Upon Soft-stop, the delay angle ramps from the set point value to the maximum value after which SCR firing is inhibited.
Phase Loss Inhibit : A phase loss circuit instantly inhibits SCR firing if a loss of one or more phases or gross phase imbalance is sensed on the AC line. Firing will soft-start when such fault is cleared.
Instant enable and Inhibit: A contact closure(relay, switch, transistor) instantly enables or inhibit SCR firing at the delay angle commensurate with the SIG_HI command Signal.
Frequency tracking system : This board has automatic frequency detection circuit. When line frequency had changed, the detection circuit will change internal firing phase.
Phase sequence insensitivity : SCR gating is unaffected by main voltage phase sequence.

380V Control Waveform
정류기, 배터리 충전기, DC드라이브, UPS 시스템, 전기 히터 그리고 조광기 등에 응용이 가능하다.

Non-Isolated Signal

Isolated Signal

Isolated Signal with Snubber
전류 감지, 방전회로 내장